13 Haziran 2021 Pazar

Vidcast: Video and Podcast!



What is Vidcast? Vidcast may be also referred as vodcast is a podcast containing video, different from the podcast. This a is a video based app in the digital. ''The term podcast refers to audio-only files, which are similar in nature to a radio broadcast. Audio files—which include visuals in the form of text, graphics, and/or movies—are referred to as vodcasts.'' Shortly the difference between podcast and vidcast is visuality.
Here is the short video about vidcast, it can be useful to the learn the content detailed :)


12 Haziran 2021 Cumartesi



What is podcast?  Podcast means ''a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically''. You can upload a digital audio to the podcast. It can be about any topic, it can be a music, You can think it is just like a radio broadcast. I signed up for a podcast page, and I talked about effective factors on language development. Here is the link of my speech on podcast, I hope you will like :)


11 Haziran 2021 Cuma


It is a technology, being integrated into technological simulations and real life. Changing technology, makes possible that to experience simulation of real world with VR. VR  has a glass and people wearing this glass can experience this technology individually. It can be used in the education as well. In the VR, people can be interact directly to the created world. People can experience the real world and different places by using VR. Here is the short video about VR that can be useful for the process. 


Augmented reality, -simply AR, is a technology creating physical environment digitally for users. It creates an illusion of real world. It is a view of camera or smartphone. People can benefit from this technology by using their smartphones. The reality is changed and augmented by the computer, shortly. There are lots of positive effects of using AR in the real world activities in different ways. For example, AR can be used in medical training, car mechanics, F-35 helmets, television broadcasts, interior design and modelling, in the lessons, etc.

Here is the short but detailed video about AR, may be useful for learning what AR is and how can it be used: 

10 Haziran 2021 Perşembe



Thinglink is an online educational tool. ''friendly digital tools that provided users the ability to turn any image into an interactive graphic.''. This tool provides both students and teachers visual format. I as a teacher signed up for a Thinglink page. I have a class for 4th Grade. I created a material about countries and nationalites. I used a picture containing different countries flags with their country name and nationality. I added a tag for every flag. When the student cliks to the flag he / she can see the turkish translation of the country and nationality. Here is the visuals about my work, I hope you will like my work :). Also I added a short video for teachers about using Thinglink, I hope this video will be useful to learn processes.. :)






Pixton is a website that allows students and teachers to create cartoons and comics. It is enjoyable educational tool. Student by using these website, can improve their creative ability with an enjoyable movement. I as a teacher signed up for a Pixton page. I created an avatar as a teacher, and I opened a class for 3rd grade. I added an opening message with a cartoon to my students. Then I added second cartoon for a task abot describing yourself. I gave an example -by descriibing myself about what they will do. I wanted to describe theirselves with an enjoyable and creative envronment by using pixton :).

here is the link of the classroom:  https://join.pixton.com/i9zvz9


8 Haziran 2021 Salı

Storybird in 30 Seconds



Story bird is an educational tool for writing and reading. Students can design picture books not only individually but also with group working. This tool allows teacher to make or design and share educational activities. Students can improve their writing skill with enjoyable environment by using storybird. Here is the short video about story bird may be useful for the process :)



1- DUOLINGO: Duolingo is an online language learning program, aiming to achieve 4 skills (listening, speaking, writing and reading) in language use. The app has different kinds of activities and games to motivate the learner. This app is kind of a game system, we can say that. That is, users gain gems or lingots upon their success, and they can buy different characters or bonus levels with their gems and lingots. In the activities and quizzes, learners’ errors are cared so much. The system makes lots of practice upon errors until learners correct and understand their mistakes. Also, positive reinforcements can be encountered to motivate users while being used the app. 

2- BUSUU: BUSUU is an online language course program. This app encourages users both to learn a new language and help each other in learning. Busuu is a collaboratively and technologically designed course. People in different cultures, societies and countries can interact with each other to learn a language communicatively. Also, there is a personal study and practice programs for users. The language level is described at the beginning of the course then, users are given a language program lastly, learners are prepared for lots of kinds of activities and practices for assessment.

3- MEMRISE: Memrise is a language learning app away from text based learning. It is an enjoyable language learning program. It is designed with technological developments. This app is benefical for the real life in terms of a language. It teachs you language as a real life, outside of the classroom. You can see epetitions the words with visuals. Don't be confused, I hope you will enjoy :)

Mondly is an online language learning app. It contains lots of different languages (33) for the users. You can have wide perspective about learning a new language with this app. It can help you learning and developing a new language. Also Mondly contains several technological developments like AR and VR. Mondly brings you virtual reality by showing real world usage of language. Also it allows you chat with virtual nayive characters to improve your new language skills.




Quizlet is an educational tool. It helps students develop their lesson skills with some activities and exercises. Teachers can create different materials by using quizlet. They can prepare word cards, quizzes, etc.  I as a teacher signed up for a quizlet page. I create a class for 3th grade. I designed some exercises and materials for them. The topic is transportation. I prepare word cards both Turkish and English with their visuals. Students can also see pronunciations of the words I wrote. Here are some visuals about my Quizlet page :)

You can access with this link for activities I designed: https://quizlet.com/_9xfyic?x=1qqt&i=3r39po




Canva is a site allows users to design or create logo, posters, graphics, etc. It can be used as an educational tool as well. I signed up for a Canva page as a teacher and I designed a poster existing from the current prepared posters for my English Class. It depends on your creativeness :). I aimed to attract English lessons by doing this. Here is the image of my poster. I hope you will like my design :)

6 Haziran 2021 Pazar



Flipgrid is an educational tool. This tool allows for a teacher to create grids to facilitate discussions. Teacher can start a discussion with a topic. Students can record their videos as a response. I, as a teacher signed up for a flipgrid page. I created a group namely, English language class, and I gave my students a homework which is about know yourself. Those having mail adresses in .... iu.edu.tr can participate to the activity. 

code: 10e08482



Seesaw is a tool about creating digital portfolio. Students can benefit from this tool in education. Teacher can give a homework and students can add pictures, their own drawings, notes, or links in their e- portfolios. This tool helps students about their learning, beside students, parents can access their children's account as well. That is a big advantage, because when teacher gives a feedback to a student, parents can also see. I, as a teacher signed up for a seesaw page and open a class for my students in the 2nd Grade. The classroom has a code for participation. Further, I assigned them a homework about describing themselves. Here is the visuals about my seesaw account!

Classroom code: AINW IKZW

5 Haziran 2021 Cumartesi



It is a game-based assessment page. Students can do the quizzes, prepared by the teacher with a game based movement. I signed up for a Kahoot page, and I added some questions about me, as a teacher. I am planning to describe myself then will ask my students questions connected to my describing in the Kahoot. Students can participate this game with a pincode, given by the teacher. Students will have 30 seconds to answer each question.

Here is the pin code of the quiz: 2181269

4 Haziran 2021 Cuma


I signed up for a Powtoon page. This tool is used for create and design educational videos. I designed the video already existed, for my topic. The topic simple present tense. It is an educational and enjoyable tool. Students can learn with fun. 
Here is the link of my video: https://www.powtoon.com/s/csRNT1WOSbV/1/m